Customer personal injury claims can be costly and very damaging to a retail establishment’s reputation. They can be much more frequent than employee claims in some types of stores, especially warehouses that allow customer access. This document outlines ways to prevent customer injury claims, which can be costly and damaging to a retail establishment’s reputation.
Read MoreStandard EPLI policies only provide coverage for lawsuits brought about by employees or prospective employees, and most commercial general liability (CGL) policies specifically exclude coverage for harassment and discrimination. Third-party EPLI fills this gap between EPLI and CGL, and offers protection against allegations of wrongful acts made by customers, clients, vendors and suppliers.
Read MoreWhether it stems from work-related disputes or domestic abuse or personal issues, violence can occur inside or outside the workplace, and can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide. Use this safety talk to discuss the danger of workplace violence with your transportation employees.
Read MoreIn the event that one of your staffers gets injured on the job, workers’ compensation insurance will cover his or her medical costs and wages during the recovery period. This flyer provides an overview of workers’ compensation insurance basics.
Read MoreIf and when you get hacked, it’s easy to think cyber criminals used some high-tech program or code to gain access to your accounts. The truth is, however, that data breaches aren’t always this sophisticated, and all malicious parties need is a little trial and error to steal your personally identifiable information. This tactic is known as credential stuffing, and it’s becoming a common tool for cyber criminals of all kinds.
Read MoreNot only is workers’ compensation coverage required in most states, but it also plays a major role in connecting injured employees to the care they need to return to work as quickly and safely as possible.
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